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Kidz Klub

Kidz Klub works in the inner city and outerestates of Leeds.  


At the moment our work reaches 2,000 children each term time week in North, South, East and West Leeds. Kidz Klub Leeds provides fun and safe activities that
help children discover God's love for them. Through our work we aim to pass
on a living and empowering Christian message and see children and young
people mature into young adults with positive aspirations for themselves
and their communities.

Every week during term time Kidz Klubs take place in number of areas across
the city including Middleton. We meet on a Thursday 5:05pm-7pm usually at
Middleton Primary School.


At Kidz Klub we have a number of outrageous games, loud sung worship and creative and innovative teaching, drawing on the bible, presenting the Christian message in a relevant and engaging way and helping children stay off drugs and keep out of crime, stay in school and build strong positive relationships. 


Kidz Klub is a safe place for the children, providing belonging and nurturing.


For more information e-mail

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